Basket Bag Sale

Basket Bag Sale at Le Papillon Vert. Some of our exclusive bags are now reduced for a limited time only. From time to time we may have exclusive sample basket which we sell at a great price, or Slight Seconds which are not quite up to our exacting standards. 

Each basket bag in our sale is made from sustainable materials, reflecting our commitment to eco-friendly fashion. These bags are not only stylish but also durable, ensuring they remain a staple in your wardrobe for years to come. 

Don’t miss the opportunity to own a beautifully handcrafted basket bag at an unbeatable price.

Once sale stock has gone, it’s gone!

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WELCOME to the Le Papillon Vert family. We think we have the best straw basket bags collection and would love to let you know about news and offers on our website from time to time... if that is ok with you?

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Thank you so much for signing up for our newsletter. Use the code WELCOME10 at the checkout to get 10% off your first purchase. Please let us know if you need any help with choosing your basket or if you have any other queries. Rebecca x

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